Fulton County Business Directory

Auto Repair
205 Thornton Road (at the corner of Thornton Rd. and Bankhead Highway)
Lithia Springs, Georgia 30122
Phone: 770-944-3116
Contact: Our Service Advisor
Website: www.auto-ville.com

Don't Pay Dealer Prices! We Are Your Only Locally Owned & Operated Independent Honda & Acura Specialist! We specialize in all types of services from oil change or emissions testing and repairs to complete diagnostic testing or scheduled maintenance. Our professional service staff includes ASE certified factory trained Honda and Acura technicians, service managers and emissions inspectors. Whatever the car you own or the amount of work that you require you can be sure that you will receive our fullest attention in every detail. Call or visit our website for more information.

Yearly Sponsor since Sat Feb 14 11:30:28 EST 2004

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